Thursday, July 20, 2017

Stage 6: RE: Abortion

On July 19, 2017, Caitlin Burnette posted an article on her blog titled 'The "A" Word'. She expresses her opinion on when abortion should be legal and when it should not. She stated that abortion should not be illegal when a woman has been raped or if the fetus is causing some sort of harm to the mother. I could not grasp on to the idea of abortion being legal half of the time or illegal half of the time. If abortion is legal, then women can claim they have been raped even if they may not have been. They could possibly lie so that they could have an abortion of an unwanted child due to unprotected sex. However, I think it should be legal 100% to have an abortion if a fetus is causing the mother harm. The sole purpose of not allowing abortions would be to save someone's life. However, if the fetus could potentially cause the mother to die, then why not let the mother decide who she wants to save. In a situation like this one, one life must be chosen. I believe that someone who has made goals in life and plans for their future should be able to continue living their life. A fetus, on the other hand, has not necessarily made any plans yet because it is not even fully aware of its own presence yet. I believe an issue like abortion can be debated over a long period of time. People have different opinions and should be able to live by their own decisions.

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